Maritime patrol flying boat.
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1So Elizabeth did not go to Canso, where the hospitals had been removed.
2Here is the Gut of Canso, but where is Baddeck?
3If there's a truce, I'm not going to Canso yet.
4Warren immediately sailed for Canso with three men-of-war and sent for another to join him.
5The burning of Canso and the attack on Annapolis stirred up the wrath of New England.
6They terminate in America at Canso, Nova Scotia.
7On May 5 Warren sailed into Canso.
8French attack Canso and Annapolis (Port Royal).
9Two cables were laid November, 1889, between Canso and New York (14).
10Earlier this week, two large investors, Access Holdings and Canso Investment Counsel, said they plan to vote against the deal.
11Here we were to dine and take the stage for a ride of eighty miles to the Gut of Canso.
12A third vessel was dispatched under Pontgravé to the Strait of Canso, to protect the exclusive trading privileges of the company.
13May 1, the first Sunday the Provincials spent at Canso, was a day of great and multifarious activity, both sacred and profane.
14There could not be a more magnificent night in which to ride towards that geographical mystery of our boyhood, the Gut of Canso.
15Running north-east along the shore of Nova Scotia, Gomez sailed through the Gut of Canso, thus learning that Cape Breton was an island.
16At times, there were no bids from the public to buy Canso at any price, & Jackson would grit his teeth & buy it himself.